When to Start Speech Therapy: A Guide for Parents

Communication plays a fundamental role in our lives, allowing us to express ourselves, connect with others, and navigate the world around us. For some children, however, speech and language skills development may not follow the typical trajectory.

Speech delays and difficulties can significantly impact a child's ability to communicate effectively, leading to frustration and potential long-term challenges. This is where speech therapy can make a significant difference.

In this article, we will explore when a child has to start speech therapy, the importance of early intervention, and how parents can identify the need for professional support.

Understanding Speech Therapy and Its Importance

Benefits of Early Intervention

Red Flags for Speech and Language Delays

Determining the Need for Speech Therapy

When to Start Speech Therapy

Available Speech Therapy Services

Why Choose Online Speech Therapy

Strategies to Support Speech and Language Development at Home

How Connected Speech Pathology Can Help Your Child

Understanding Speech Therapy and Its Importance

Understanding The Importance Of Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is a specialized therapy that focuses on diagnosing and treating communication disorders. Speech-language pathologists or speech therapists provide speech and language evaluation and speech-language therapy and services. They are trained to assess, diagnose, and treat a wide range of speech and language disorders in children.

Speech therapy is crucial for children experiencing delays or difficulties in their speech and language development. It aims to treat children to improve their communication skills, enhance their overall quality of life, and facilitate their successful integration into social and academic environments.

Speech therapy extends beyond individual sessions with the speech therapist. It involves collaboration with parents, caregivers, and educators to ensure consistent support and carryover of skills into various settings. Speech therapists provide guidance, strategies, and resources to parents and caregivers, empowering them to reinforce and practice communication skills at home and in everyday activities.

Through personalized treatment plans and collaborative efforts, speech therapists empower children to overcome communication challenges, fostering their growth, development, and success.

Benefits of Early Intervention


Early intervention is critical when it comes to speech and language therapy itself. Research consistently demonstrates that addressing speech and language difficulties as early as possible leads to better outcomes for children. Here are some of the benefits of early intervention:

Seeking Therapy in the Early Years

The early years of a child's life are critical for brain development and language acquisition. Intervening during this time can capitalize on the brain's plasticity and optimize the child's ability to learn and develop essential communication skills.

Improving Speech and Language Skills

Early speech therapy can help children catch up to their peers by improving their articulation, language comprehension, vocabulary, and expressive language abilities.

Enhancing Social and Emotional Development

Effective communication skills are vital for building relationships and fostering social connections. Speech therapy can support a child's social development, self-confidence, and overall emotional well-being.

Red Flags for Speech and Language Delays

Red Flags for Speech Delay

Parents must be aware of potential red flags that may indicate a speech or language delay in their child's development. While every child develops at their own pace, the following signs may warrant further evaluation:

Delayed Speech Development

Lack of babbling or using single words by 12 months, limited vocabulary, or difficulty putting words together into phrases or sentences.

Articulation Difficulties

Persistent difficulty pronouncing sounds or substituting one sound for another beyond the expected age.

Language Comprehension Issues

Struggling to understand and follow age-appropriate instructions or failing to respond to verbal cues.

Stuttering or Disfluency

Frequent hesitations, repetitions, or prolongations of sounds or words during speech.

Social Communication Challenges

Difficulty engaging in conversations, making eye contact, or understanding non-verbal cues, can affect social interactions and friendships.

Determining the Need for Speech Therapy

Determining the Need for Speech Therapy

If parents observe any of the red flags mentioned above or have concerns about their child's speech and language development, they must seek a professional evaluation from a pediatric speech therapist. Here are some steps to determine the need for speech therapy:

Parental Observations and Concerns

Parents are the first to notice any deviations from typical speech and language development. Document specific instances or behaviors that worry you if you have concerns about your child's communication skills. This information will be valuable during discussions with professionals.

Professional Assessments and Evaluations

Schedule an evaluation with a speech-language pathologist or consult your child's pediatrician, who may refer you to a specialist. These professionals will conduct standardized assessments, observe your child's communication skills, and determine if there are any areas of delay or difficulty.

Collaboration with Pediatricians and Other Specialists

Speech and language development is interconnected with other areas of child development. Collaborating with pediatricians and other specialists, such as occupational therapists or psychologists, is crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of your child's needs.

When to Start Speech Therapy

When to start speech therapy

The timing of starting speech therapy depends on several factors, including the severity of the speech or language delay, the specific needs of the child, and individual circumstances. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer for speech problems, here are some general guidelines:

Use Age-Appropriate Milestones as a Guide

Early intervention is highly recommended if a child shows significant delays or difficulties in speech and language development. Typically, if a child is not meeting age-appropriate milestones or there are concerns about their communication skills, it is beneficial to seek speech therapy sooner rather than later.

Look for Red Flags

Certain red flags may indicate a need for immediate speech therapy. These include severe speech delays, a complete lack of speech by 24 months, limited social interaction, or regression in previously acquired language skills. If you notice any of these signs, consult a professional promptly.

Use an Individualized Approach

Remember that every child is unique, and their needs may vary. Speech therapy decisions should be based on individual assessments and recommendations from professionals. They will consider the child's age, the severity of the delay or difficulty, and any underlying conditions that may impact their communication skills.

Available Speech Therapy Services

Available Speech Therapy Services

Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are licensed professionals who provide individualized assessment and therapy for speech and language disorders. They may work independently in private practice or be part of healthcare or educational institutions.

Various options are available when seeking speech therapy services for your child. Here are some common avenues to consider:

Early Intervention Programs

Early intervention programs cater to infants and young children (0-3 years) with developmental delays or disabilities. These programs typically provide speech therapy services in collaboration with other professionals.

School-Based Services

If your child is of school age, speech therapy services may be available through the school district. School-based speech therapists can provide assessment, therapy, and support within the educational setting.

Private Speech Therapy Clinics

Private clinics offer specialized speech therapy services for children. These clinics often provide a range of therapeutic options and can be a valuable resource for comprehensive support.

Why Choose Online Speech Therapy

Why Choose Online Speech Therapy

Online speech therapy has emerged as a valuable and effective alternative to traditional in-person therapy sessions, offering numerous benefits for children with communication difficulties. Here's why online speech therapy is both effective and convenient:


Online speech therapy breaks down geographical barriers, allowing children to access quality therapy services regardless of location. Connecting from anywhere is particularly beneficial for children in rural areas or those with limited access to specialized speech therapists. With online therapy, children can receive professional support from the comfort of their own homes.

Convenience and Flexibility

Online speech therapy offers unparalleled convenience and flexibility for both children and their parents. Sessions can be scheduled at mutually convenient times, eliminating the need for travel and reducing disruptions to daily routines. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for busy families, as it integrates therapy seamlessly into their schedules.

Familiar Environment

Many children feel more comfortable and at ease in their familiar home environment. Online speech therapy capitalizes on this by providing therapy sessions in a space where children feel safe and relaxed, which can contribute to better engagement and participation during treatment, leading to more effective outcomes.

Interactive Technology

Online speech therapy utilizes various interactive technologies that make therapy engaging and interactive for children. Speech therapists can use virtual games, visual aids, and multimedia resources to enhance the learning experience. These interactive elements help to maintain children's attention and motivation, making therapy sessions more enjoyable and productive.

Parent Involvement

Online speech therapy provides a unique opportunity for parents to participate in their child's therapy. Parents can observe therapy sessions, learn therapy techniques, and receive guidance from the speech therapist on supporting their child's progress at home. This collaboration between the speech therapist and parents enhances the child's overall communication development and extends the benefits of therapy beyond the session.

Individualized Approach

Online speech therapy sessions are tailored to meet each child's specific needs and goals. Speech therapists can adapt therapy techniques and materials based on the child's preferences and learning style. The one-on-one nature of online therapy allows for focused attention and personalized instruction, maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment.

Consistency and Continuity of Care

Online speech therapy provides a consistent and uninterrupted therapy experience. Therapy sessions can proceed as scheduled despite external factors such as travel, weather conditions, or unforeseen circumstances. This consistency ensures that children receive the necessary support and progress steadily toward their communication goals.

Strategies to Support Speech and Language Development at Home

Support Speech Development at Home

While professional intervention is crucial, parents also play a vital role in supporting their child's speech and language development. Here are some strategies to implement at home to help your child:

Creating a Language-Rich Environment

Surround your child with opportunities for language exposure. Read books together, engage in conversations, and expose them to different vocabulary through everyday activities.

Encouraging Communication through Play

Playtime can be a valuable platform for language development. Engage in interactive and imaginative play with your child, enabling them to express themselves and engage in conversations.

Modeling and Reinforcing Correct Speech and Language

Speak clearly and correctly as a role model for your child. Provide positive reinforcement when they make efforts to communicate effectively.

How Connected Speech Pathology Can Help Your Child

How Connected Speech Pathology Can Help Your Child

When parents recognize that their child may benefit from speech therapy, they often seek guidance on navigating the process and finding the right services. Connected Speech Pathology provides direct treatment to individuals with communication difficulties and offers valuable support and resources to parents seeking to initiate speech therapy for their children.

Comprehensive Assessment and Evaluation

One of the key ways in which Connected Speech Pathology can support parents is by conducting a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of their child's speech and language skills. A qualified speech-language pathologist will thoroughly evaluate the child's communication abilities, including speech sounds, language comprehension, expressive language, and social communication skills.

This evaluation provides valuable insights into the child's strengths, areas of difficulty, and specific therapy needs. By involving parents in the assessment process, Connected Speech Pathology fosters open communication, addresses parental concerns and communication issues, and ensures a collaborative approach to therapy.

Individualized Treatment Planning

Connected Speech Pathology recognizes that each child's speech and language needs are unique. After the assessment, the speech therapist will develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to the child's specific needs and goals. This plan considers the child's strengths, challenges, and the family's preferences.

The speech therapist will collaborate with parents to set realistic and achievable goals for therapy. Through this collaborative process, parents play an active role in shaping their child's therapy journey and feel empowered in the decision-making process.

Education and Training for Parents

Connected Speech Pathology goes beyond providing direct therapy to the child. It also focuses on equipping parents with the knowledge and tools to support their child's communication development outside therapy sessions.

The speech therapist will educate parents about their child's communication, speech disorder, or difficulty, explain the therapy techniques used, and offer guidance on reinforcing therapy goals at home. This education empowers parents to implement strategies that support speech and language development and create a language-rich environment at home.

Collaboration and Communication

Connected Speech Pathology emphasizes the importance of collaboration and ongoing communication between the speech therapist, the child, and the parents. The speech therapist will regularly update parents on their child's progress, discuss therapy strategies, and provide guidance on addressing any challenges that may arise. Parents are encouraged to ask questions, share observations, and provide feedback.

This collaborative approach ensures that parents are actively involved in their child's therapy journey, fostering a supportive and empowering environment for both the child and the parents.


Speech Therapy for kids

Recognizing the signs of speech and language delays in children and seeking early intervention through speech therapy can significantly improve their communication skills and overall quality of life. Parents should trust their instincts and consult a speech-language pathologist when concerned about their child's speech and language development.

Remember, every child's journey is unique, and with timely support, they can develop the necessary skills to thrive in their communication and interactions with the world around them.

About the Author

Allison Geller is a speech-language pathologist (SLP) and the owner of Connected Speech Pathology. She obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Florida in Speech-Language Pathology. Allison has practiced speech therapy in a number of settings including telepractice, acute care, outpatient rehabilitation, and private practice. She has worked extensively with individuals across the lifespan including toddlers, preschoolers, school-aged children, and adults. She specializes in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of a variety of communication disorders including receptive/expressive language disorders, articulation disorders, voice disorders, fluency disorders, brain injury, and swallowing disorders.

Allison served as the clinical coordinator of research in aphasia in the Neurological Institute at Columbia University Medical Center in New York. She is on the Board of Directors for the Corporate Speech Pathology Network (CORSPAN), a Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) certified clinician, and a proud Family Empowerment Scholarship/Step-Up For Students provider. Allison is passionate about delivering high quality-effective treatment remotely because it’s convenient and easy to access. What sets us apart from other online speech therapy options is—Allison takes great care to hire the very best SLPs from all over the country.


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